
0086 391 3299607

Conveyor Belt Cleaner

H-Type Belt Cleaner

【Classification】Conveyor Belt Cleaner

【Product Description】H-type alloy&rubber belt cleaner is installed under the central line of conveyor head pulley to provide effective conveyor belt cleaning, which is the primary belt scraper. ......

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    ● Application:

    H-type alloy&rubber belt cleaner is installed under the central line of conveyor head pulley to provide effective conveyor belt cleaning, which is the primary belt scraper.

    H-Type Belt Cleaner
    Price: inquiry
    Starting Quantity: ≥1件
    Description: H-type alloy&rubber belt cleaner is installed under the central line of conveyor head pulley to provide effective conveyor belt cleaning, which is the primary belt scraper.

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  • 廉江市| 安丘市| 张北县| 罗源县| 威信县| 定边县| 申扎县| 介休市| 嘉义县| 太谷县| 孟州市| 曲靖市| 嘉义市| 蒙自县| 宣汉县| 洛隆县| 朔州市| 营口市| 星子县| 东乌珠穆沁旗| 海淀区| 军事| 镇平县| 平乡县| 商城县| 哈巴河县| 三穗县| 荣成市| 科技| 嫩江县| 新干县| 开江县| 宜川县| 嘉峪关市| 澄城县| 炉霍县| 海晏县| 神农架林区| 清远市| 泰州市| 金昌市|