
0086 391 3299607

Conveyor Belt Cleaner

P-Type Belt Cleaner

【Classification】Conveyor Belt Cleaner

【Product Description】DB-DTEP P-type alloy&rubber belt cleaner is used to clean the sticky material of the return belt, which is the secondary belt cleaner. ......

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    ● Application:

    DB-DTEP P-type alloy&rubber belt cleaner is used to clean the sticky material of the return belt, which is the secondary belt cleaner.

    P-Type Belt Cleaner
    Price: inquiry
    Starting Quantity: ≥1件
    Description: DB-DTEP P-type alloy&rubber belt cleaner is used to clean the sticky material of the return belt, which is the secondary belt cleaner.

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  • 金川县| 临漳县| 铜川市| 兴义市| 翁牛特旗| 封丘县| 太和县| 千阳县| 南昌市| 大英县| 长治市| 馆陶县| 句容市| 西林县| 大埔县| 宜都市| 章丘市| 上林县| 营山县| 科技| 大新县| 庐江县| 宽城| 无棣县| 宜川县| 夏津县| 谢通门县| 兴山县| 静宁县| 磐安县| 武胜县| 咸阳市| 彩票| 安吉县| 长岛县| 沛县| 乌拉特后旗| 综艺| 江安县| 莱西市| 基隆市|