
0086 391 3299607

Steel Cord Stripper and Rubber Belt Stripping Mach

Steel Cord Stripper

【Classification】Steel Cord Stripper and Rubber Belt Stripping Mach

【Product Description】 ......

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      Cord Stripper is designed and used to strip steel cords from Steel Cord Conveyor Belt which is to be spliced.

      The operating can be carried out in the vulcanizing shop or on site.The Upper and Lower Knives are suitable for cable pitches from 10-25mm and for cord diameters from 4.9-13.2 mm.The rubber cover thickness can be up to 12mm on the running side and up to 25 mm on the carrying side .The total belt thickness can be up to 40 mm.


      -no turning of the belt ,because the rubber cover on both sides are removed in one single operation.

      -thickness of the remaining rubber can be arbitrarily controlled, and this can ensure the vulcanization effects.

      -easy to operate,save time and reduce labor intensity.

    Steel Cord Stripper
    Price: inquiry
    Starting Quantity: ≥1件

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